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Viktoria Czech

Translation Viktoria translation

How do I translate Viktoria from Czech into English?

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Synonyms Viktoria synonyms

What other words in Czech have the same or similar meaning as Viktoria?

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Inflection Viktoria inflection

How do you inflect Viktoria in Czech?

Viktoria · first name


Examples Viktoria examples

How do I use Viktoria in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

Neobviňuji , jen zapřísahám z celeho srdce, neodmítej moji dceru, které jsem na tvou počest dala jméno Viktoria.
Although I do not curse you, but wish with all my heart. that you have not sacrificed me and my daughter. whom I have named Victorine after you, in vain.
Viktoria vzpomíná na smrt své matky.
Victorine recalls the death of her mother.
Odešlete po spolehlivém poslovi zavazadla na nádraží Viktoria.
You will dispatch whatever luggage you intend to take by a trusted messenger unaddressed at the Victoria Station tonight.
Telefonní automat, Doky Viktoria.
Here. Telephone box, Victoria Docks.
Jo. Viktoria Tomanovová, seznamte se s MacGyverem.
You have got a whole file full of people on salary who can do that.
Klub Viktoria v Rassan pořádá každý duben řečnickou soutěž.
The Victoria Club at Rassan holds a public speaking competition every April.
Pane, za 24 hodin žádný Klub Viktoria nebude.
Sir, there is not going to be a Victoria Club in 24 hours' time.
Kde je problém, Viktoria?
What seems to be the delay, Victoria?
Nevím. někdy chci aby si byla mrtvá Běsni dál, Viktoria.
I don't know. Sometimes I wish you were dead. -Rage more, Victoria.
jsem Viktoria.
I'm Viktoria.
Myslím že se Viktoria se mnou chce rozejít.
I think Victoria's about to break up with me.
Královna Viktoria byla tvoje auto snů?
Crown Victoria was your dream car?

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