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surfer English

Translation Surfer in Czech

How do you say Surfer in Czech?

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Examples Surfer in Czech examples

How do I translate Surfer into Czech?

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Surfer, pilot, secretary, wife.
Surfer, pilot, sekretářka, manželka.
Lance, on the forward fifties. was a famous surfer from the beaches south of L.A.
Lance na dvanáctce byl slavný surfař z jihu L.A.
Hey, Colonel, I think one of those sailors is Lance Johnson, the surfer.
Je tady surfařJohnson.
Lance Johnson, the surfer?
Surfař Lance Johnson?
Did you hear about this surfer guy who pulled a knife on Mr. Hand this morning?
Slyšelas o tom surfařovi, co ráno vytáh nůž na profesora Handa?
Maybe you ought to trade me in on a surfer.
Možná bys měla vyměnit za surfaře.
You couldn't tell by lookin' at me, but I'm a famous surfer.
Asi byste to neřekla, ale jsem známej serfař.
Scores 51 runs, then has heart palpitations for 12 hours. a cracked rib enters the lung, coughing blood dies the next day in bed with a blonde surfer called Adeline.
Zlomené žebro mu propíchlo plíci a kašlal krev. Den poté zemřel v posteli vedle blond surfařky jménem Adeline.
Listen, surfer girl, the week before you got here, the temperature got above zero for about 6 minutes.
Tak poslechni, surferko. Před týdnem tu asi 6 minut byla teplota nad nulou.
Your surfer buddies know you read poetry?
Tvoji kámoši na prknech , že čteš poezii?
Oh, well, he must be a surfer!
To musí být surfař!
What about that one where that sexy surfer guy catches that huge wave?
A co to, kde ten sexy surfař chytal tu obrovskou vlnu?
That surfer guy wants to come back inside.
Náš kámoš surfer. Se chce vrátit zpátky.
Well, I said that the Kirby Silver Surfer was the only real Silver Surfer. and that the Moebius Silver Surfer was shit.
Řekl jsem, že Kirbyho Silver Surfer je lepší než Moebiův.

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