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Niagara Czech

Translation Niagara translation

How do I translate Niagara from Czech into English?

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Pojedeme do Niagara Falls, nebo kamkoliv.
I know he takes an awful beating once in a while.
A co Niagara!
But Niagaa Falls!
Je to jisté jako Niagara.
As sure as Niagara Falls.
Teskně hučí Niagara, teskně hučí do noci, komu vášeň v srdci hárá, tomu není pomoci.
Melancholic flowing Niagara, Flowing wistfully into the night, If you've no passion in your heart, You have no hope.
Ale když uviděI svou matku - úplná Niagara.
But when he saw his mother, Niagara Falls.
Niagara, Frankie, můj andílku.
Niagara Falls, Frankie angel.
Jo, je v Niagara, pokoj 310.
Yeah, she's at the Niagara, room 310.
Malá Niagara.
That's Little Niagara.
Najdete nás na Niagara and Hurdle Ave.
We're at Niagara and Hurdle Ave.
Největším vodopádem světa je Iguazu, čtyřikrát širší než Niagara.
The world's greatest waterfall is Iguazu. four times wider than Niagara.
To není Niagara!
This isn't Niagara Falls!
jsem spíš myslel na. polárku zadarmo,. ale OK, je to Niagara.
I was thinking. more along the lines of a free snow cone. but, OK, Niagara Falls it is.
Niagara Falls!
Zarezervovala jsem nám let do Buffallo Niagara.
I booked us on a flight to Buffalo Niagara.

Niagara English

Translation Niagara in Czech

How do you say Niagara in Czech?

Niagara English » Czech

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Examples Niagara in Czech examples

How do I translate Niagara into Czech?

Movie subtitles

The state of South Milligan is studying the project.. to transport Niagara Falls into its own borders.
Stát Jižní Milligan chce získat Niagarské vodopády pod svou správu.
All aboard the Niagara Limited!
Všichni na palubu Niagary s.r.o.!
Next time I go to Niagara Falls.
Příště půjdu k Niagarským vodopádům.
She went to Niagara Falls last year.
Loni jela k Niagarským vodopádům.
How we're going to see all the shops, theatres, and Niagara Falls, and things.
Chceme navštívit všechny obchody, divadla, Niagarské vodopády a jiná místa.
I'm running and at 7.30 am I run around Niagara Falls.
Běžím, letím a takhle v půl osmé večer zahýbám kolem niagarského vodopádu.
And he almost drowned in the Niagara.
A málem by se byl utopil v Niagaře.
No, I'm in Niagara Falls.
Na Niagarských vodopádech.
Niagara Falls.
Niagara Falls.
Na Niagarské vodopády.
That was in Niagara Falls. People aren't responsible for what they say in Niagara Falls.
To bylo u Niagár, tam lidi nevědí, co mluví.
That was in Niagara Falls. People aren't responsible for what they say in Niagara Falls.
To bylo u Niagár, tam lidi nevědí, co mluví.
Take you up to Niagara Falls if I don't get tired of looking at water by that time.
U Niagáry, jestli budu moct vidět vodu.
Maybe we thought it was a dream. and we'd wake up with a hangover in Niagara Falls.
Možná jsme si mysleli, že sníme a probudíme se s kocovinou v Niagarských vodopádech.

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