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Elvis Czech

Inflection Elvis inflection

How do you inflect Elvis in Czech?

Elvis · first name


Examples Elvis examples

How do I use Elvis in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

A časem, bude na desce, zbohatneme. Možná budu filmová hv? zda jako Elvis Presley.
Someday, after it's recorded and I'm rich maybe I'll be a big movie star like Elvis Presley and you, me and your mama, we're gonna live in Hollywood and we're gonna go to all the opening of my pictures in a big white Cadillac car.
Udělám si vzrušivě růžovou. s D.A. s kotletami jako Elvis Presley.
I'm going to make mine hot pink. with a D.A. with Elvis Presley sideburns.
Byl s tebou Elvis Cooper?
Was Elvis Cooper with you?
Černý Elvis Byl to počátek rockového přílivu pro nás pro všechny.
It was the beginning of the rock affluence that was shared.
Neptejte se . Nikdy v tom nebudu mít jasno. - Neprojde dveřmi Elvis?
Whatever it is you're doing, does it have to be done on the tippy side of the boat?
Když byl Elvis mladej, tak to byl pěknej zmrd.
When Elvis was young, he was a bad motherfucker.
Jako Elvis.
As doornails.
Elvis nežije.
Elvis is dead.
Elvis visí na zdi.
Look at this, I'm hanging Elvis up right here.
Jsem si jistý, že Elvis králíčky po celém Gracelandu.
I'm sure Elvis had bunnies hanging all over Graceland.
Mmm.. Elvis?
Um, Elvis?
Zapnul jsem televizi a tam byl Elvis Presley, Kreolský král.
I turned the TV on, there was Elvis Presley in King Creole. Naturally, he played a two-fisted, fun-loving, girl-chasing, singing busboy. They stole that Oscar from him.
Elvis vlastně donutil cítit hudbu jako něco výjimečnýho, víš.
Anyway, Elvis made me feel that music was something special, you know?
Jako Elvis.
Just like Elvis.

elvis English

Examples Elvis in Czech examples

How do I translate Elvis into Czech?

Movie subtitles

Someday, after it's recorded and I'm rich maybe I'll be a big movie star like Elvis Presley and you, me and your mama, we're gonna live in Hollywood and we're gonna go to all the opening of my pictures in a big white Cadillac car.
A časem, bude na desce, zbohatneme. Možná budu filmová hv? zda jako Elvis Presley.
I'm going to make mine hot pink. with a D.A. with Elvis Presley sideburns.
Udělám si vzrušivě růžovou. s D.A. s kotletami jako Elvis Presley.
Elvis, take two or three of the boys, go around and cover the back.
Elvisi, běžte dva nebo tři okolo a jistěte to zezadu.
Was Elvis Cooper with you?
Byl s tebou Elvis Cooper?
You were outside the house when he came out. You, Randy, Elvis, a couple of others. All right.
Byl jsi před domem, když vyšel.
I ask that this jury move an indictment of murder against Greg Dundee Randy Buckmill, Elvis Cooper, others to be named later.
Žádám tuto porotu, aby rozhodla o obvinění z vraždy proti Gregu Dundeemu, Randymu Buckmillovi, Elvisu Cooperovi a dalším, kteří budou uvedeni později.
That wasn't his real name, but I called him that because he had this Elvis Presley complex that went to his hair.
To nebylo jeho pravý jméno, ale mu tak říkala, protože měl v hlavě komplex Elvise Presleyho.
It killed Elvis.
Zabilo to Elvise.
Mr Vincent, we do have the Elvis Presley Suite, top floor.
Pane Vincente, máme apartmá Elvise Presleyho, nejvyšší patro.
I like Elvis Presley!
mám rád Elvise Presleyho!
When Elvis was young, he was a bad motherfucker.
Když byl Elvis mladej, tak to byl pěknej zmrd.
Let him sing 'till he was older too, Elvis was 42 years old.
Nechali ho zpívat i když byl starej, Elvisovi bylo 42.
Whatever happened to Elvis?
Cose stalo Elvisovi?
Elvis Presley.
Elvisem Presleym.

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