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André Czech

Meaning André meaning

What does André mean in Czech?


mužské křestní jméno

Examples André examples

How do I use André in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

André, nevím, jestli se smát nebo plakat!
I don't know if I should laugh or cry.
Pokud ti dobře rozumím, André, žádáš o dobrý skutek?
If I understand you well, You're inviting me to do a good deed?
André, nezačínej zas!
Don't start it again, please!
Je to André.
It's Andre.
André miloval dvě věci: svou rodinu a svou práci.
Andre loved two things, his family and his work.
André byl na všechno velice opatrný.
Andre was always so careful of everything.
Ne. Hélene a André věřili v posvátnost života.
No, Helene and Andre believed in the sacredness of life.
Hélene problémy a André je mrtev.
Helene is in trouble and Andre's dead. It's.
Zjistil jste, na čem André pracoval?
Did you discover what your brother was working on?
André by mi to nedovolil.
Andre wouldn't want me to.
André! To je ale příjemné překvapení.
What a pleasant surprise.
André! Celé dny nevidíme a.
But, Andre, we don't see you for days on end.
No, na tom přece nezáleží, André?
Well, it doesn't matter, does it, Andre?
Je tam André?
Is Andre there?

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