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Albuquerque Czech

Translation Albuquerque translation

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Translation Albuquerque in Czech

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Examples Albuquerque in Czech examples

How do I translate Albuquerque into Czech?

Movie subtitles

Why, I helped string the first wire that run west out of Albuquerque.
pomoh natáhnout první drát, co ved z Albuquerque na západ.
Maybe to Albuquerque.
Asi do Albuquerque.
You mean Samson, the little tailor in Albuquerque?
Myslis Samsona, toho malyho krejciho v Albuquerque?
You're an awfully sweet little girl, Miss Myrtle, and it won't be long before you meet your daddy in Albuquerque.
Jste strasne sladká holcicka, slecno Myrtle, a nebude to dlouho trvat, nez potkáte svyho tátu v Albuquerque.
Welcome to Albuquerque.
Vitej v Albuquerque.
Pearl- fairest of the fair in all Albuquerque. and the best durn barber in the territory.
Pearl- nehezci ze vsech v celem Albuquerque. a nejlepsi holicka v okoli.
Albuquerque could grow into a big city someday, and you could grow with it.
Albuquerque by mohlo jednou dorust do velkeho mesta a ty by jsi mohl vyrust s nim.
You get aboard and out of Albuquerque, fast.
Vypadni za hranice a pryc z Albuquerque, rychle.
We can't have no bodies runnin' around loose in Albuquerque.
Nemuzeme mit zadna tela, co volne behaji kolem Albuquerque.
Yes. I only arrived in Albuquerque today.
Ano. dnes jsem prave prijela do Albuquerque.
Think you're gonna like Albuquerque?
Mysliste,ze budete jako Albuquerque?
You oughta know that better than any man in Albuquerque.
Mel by jsi to vedet lip nez kdokoliv v Albuquerque.
Oh, man. If that's the way they fight in Texas, I'm staying in Albuquerque.
Oh, chlape. jestli je tohle zpusob jak bojuji v Texasu, zustavam v Albuquerque.
John Armin brought you to Albuquerque to get information about our plans?
John Armin Vas privedl do Albuquerque, aby jste ziskala informace o nasich planech?

News and current affairs

Set in Albuquerque, New Mexico, a few hundred miles from the border, the series chronicles the rise and fall of Walter White, a high school chemistry teacher who becomes a methamphetamine tycoon.
Jeho děj se odehrává v Albuquerque ve státě Nové Mexiko, pár set kilometrů od mexických hranic, a zachycuje vzestup a pád Waltera Whitea, středoškolského chemikáře, z něhož se stane metamfetaminový magnát.

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