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Examples Adrian Slywotzky examples

How do I use Adrian Slywotzky in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

Co třeba Adrian Singleton a syn lorda Wayna?
What about Adrian Singleton and Lord Wayne's son?
Adrian Singleton podepsal jménem svého přítele směnku.
Adrian Singleton writes his friend's name across a bill.
Taky tam žil Adrian Marcato.
Adrian Marcato lived there too. So did Pearl Ames.
Adrian Marcato?
Who was Adrian Marcato?
Bydlel tu Adrian Marcato.
Adrian Marcato lived here.
Satan je jeho otcem a jeho jméno je Adrian.
Satan is his father, and his name is Adrian.
Náš malý Adrian je do strašně zamilován, ale ona o něm nechce ani slyšet, protože jako všechny ryby studenou krev.
Our dwarf Adriano is madly in love with her! but she has no interest in him: all fish have cold blood.
Nevím, co tím Adrian myslí.
I don't know what Adrian means.
Jmenovali se Simon a Adrian.
They were called Simon and Adrian.
No tak, Adrian.
Oh, yo, Adrian!
Adrian, koukej na tohle.
Look at this here.
Adrian, tohle je prima místo na boxovací pytel.
Hey, Adrian, that's a great spot for the bag.
Kdyby mi Adrian De Niro řekl před dvěma lety, že potkám zaživa pohřbenou ženu, taky bych mu nevěřil.
Listen. When adrian deniro told me about 2 years ago that I'd meet a girl who would be buried alive, I didn't believe him either.

Examples Adrian Slywotzky in Czech examples

How do I translate Adrian Slywotzky into Czech?

Movie subtitles

What about Adrian Singleton and Lord Wayne's son?
Co třeba Adrian Singleton a syn lorda Wayna?
Adrian Singleton writes his friend's name across a bill.
Adrian Singleton podepsal jménem svého přítele směnku.
I've asked you not to call me that, Adrian.
Říkal jsem ti, abys mi tak neříkal, Adriane.
Goodbye, Adrian.
Sbohem, Adriane.
Good shot, Adrian.
Pěkný zásah, Adriane.
Hošánku, nebude to bolet. Nedýchej na , Adriane!
Aspoň je slušný. Ukaž mu košile, Adriane.
Adrian Marcato lived there too. So did Pearl Ames.
Taky tam žil Adrian Marcato.
Who was Adrian Marcato?
Adrian Marcato?
Adrian Marcato practiced witchcraft.
Marcato provozoval magii.
Adrian Marcato lived here.
Bydlel tu Adrian Marcato.
He's Adrian Marcato's son.
Syn Adriana Marcata.
Satan is his father, and his name is Adrian.
Satan je jeho otcem a jeho jméno je Adrian.
Hail, Adrian! - Hail, Adrian!
Sláva Adrianovi!

News and current affairs

Hyun Song Shin of Princeton University proposed a theory of excess liquidity in a paper with Tobias Adrian that he presented last month at the Bank for International Settlements in Brunnen, Switzerland.
Hyun Song Shin z Princetonské univerzity navrhl ve společné vědecké práci s Tobiasem Adrianem teorii nadbytečné likvidity, kterou v červnu přednesl v Bance pro mezinárodní platby ve švýcarském Brunnenu.

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