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Payne's grey English

Meaning Payne's grey meaning

What does Payne's grey mean?

Payne's grey

(= Payne''s grey) any pigment that produces a greyish to dark greyish blue

Examples Payne's grey examples

How do I use Payne's grey in a sentence?

Simple sentences

The elephant is grey.
He has grown old, gone grey and got divorced but he has also become rich and famous.
All cats are grey in the dark.
At night all cats are grey.
We made Mr Grey chairman of the committee.
Mr Grey did not enjoy his job.
Mr. Grey didn't enjoy his work.
He had grey hair.
It is regarded as a grey area.
My suit is grey.
The old man had a long grey beard.
Her grey hair makes her look older than she is.
Why are some translations in grey?
When candles are out, all cats are grey.
The lamp is grey.

Movie subtitles

If we don't find that, the chance of finding these tall, elegant, grey, ET guys is gonna be highly diminished.
To our adored monarch, to our grey heroes, to war until victorious end!
It seems the director's hair turned grey from waiting for a late train.
You do the last one, Miss Grey.
Come on. Send me the proof, Miss Grey.
Oh, and May, help Miss Grey get her things into a taxi.
He's the grey-haired gentleman you were talking to a while ago.
No. He came in to lunch looking grey as a ghost.
No, grey.
My honest grey eyes.
But look, Belle, in the moonlight it's almost Grey. So it is.
Looks like a piece of grey silk.
Is yon grey head Murdoch?
These are the originals with which such historic persons as Lady Jane Grey. and Queen Catherine Howard was beheaded within these precincts.
Then he was equally certain it was a grey suit trimmed with fur. Men seldom notice what women wear.
Providence gave you grey eyes, brown hair. a charming smile.
You said you had grey eyes.
That little grey spot worries me.
That old grey fox is leading 'em on a run now, ain't she?
After that we witness a huge battlefield of nature, where spruces, icicled with lichen, stand like icy grey warriors as the last outpost of life against the bastions of eternal snow.
What kind of grey?
Some. greyish grey.
Well, it isn't wine-red. It's light grey.
Next Sunday you're not going to wear the good grey suit again! Even more so!
Where are my grey stockings?
They're always mixed up with a lot of mysteries that will turn your hair grey.
Joan Grey.
My name is Joan Grey.
I need somebody to talk to, somebody with a long grey beard.
Sad people under grey skies.
There's a button loose on my grey suit.
To a light grey suit fits only a wine-red tie.
Next Sunday you're not going to wear the good grey suit again!
Have you seen a man in a grey checked suit, whos been running away from me?
Bring me back some grey flannel.

News and current affairs

The country and its increasingly grey-haired president are experiencing one tragedy, scandal, or disappointment after another.
If European nation-states are reconciled with each other, they are not yet fully reconciled with themselves, with their dark or grey spots, and in particular their treatment of minorities.
In that grey space between remembering and forgetting, most of us invented new lives.
No one is surprised to see grey-haired people dancing and singing and petting.
KYIV - It began as a grey and muddy spring day, like so many others in my homeland.
Furthermore, the definition of the boundary between retail and investment-banking activities will leave an important grey area and generate perverse incentives.
They would add to the diaspora, while the Grey Peace Corps would help to fill current needs.
The only way for a Chinese individual to survive is to adopt the grey, anonymous way of the sunflower seed.
But, ultimately, her passion for the ideas to which she was devoted splashed bright colors across a political world usually painted in shades of grey.

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