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ubít Czech

Synonyms ubít synonyms

What other words in Czech have the same or similar meaning as ubít?

Conjugation ubít conjugation

How do you conjugate ubít in Czech?

ubít · verb

Examples ubít examples

How do I use ubít in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

Takže nechcete ubít k smrti?
So you won't beat me to death?
Mohl bych nechat ubít k smrti.
We were in synchronous orbit over the capital city of Gideon.
Snaží se ho ubít k smmrti.
He's trying to beat the thing to death.
Nemyslíte si, že by mohl ubít ženu k smrti?
You don't think he could beat a woman to death?
Každý její konec vás může ubít k smrti.
Either end can beat you to death.
Mohl ty dívky znásilnit, ubít je k smrti pěstí vzadu ve voze.
There have violated these girls and the knock fists.
Nikdo ho nechce ubít.
No one wants to hound him.
Myslíte, že Albini může ubít Haywooda?
You think Albini can beat Haywood?
Přesně tak, střeží cesty před konkurencí a před Holopolany, oni taky chtějí ubít draka.
He shut out the competition and the Holopolans, who want to slay the dragon too.
Nemusel bych, kdyby se ho nesnažila ubít holí.
I wouldn't have had to if she hadn't whacked it with a club.
Michel ho pak zkoušel ubít rezervační knihou jako šílený.
Michel tried to beat him senseless with the reservation book.
Někdy,dokonce zkoušel ho ubít k smrti.
Sometimes, he would even try to beat him to death.
Co takhle ubít ho vykloubenou rukou?
How about a flail-whipping?
Chci ubít k smrti!
I want to beat you to death!

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