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shave English

Translation shave in Czech

How do you say shave in Czech?

Examples shave in Czech examples

How do I translate shave into Czech?

Simple sentences

A shave, please.
Oholit, prosím.
Why did you shave off your beard?
Proč sis oholil vousy?
Tom wanted Mary to shave her legs.
Tom chtěl, aby si Mary oholila nohy.

Movie subtitles

Haircut? Wet shave?
He nicks it when he's getting a shave.
Šlohl ji, když se nechával oholit.
Shave me.
Oholte .
Shave him already! Today is my birthday!
Jen ho ohol, mám dnes narozeniny!
Can one shave here, as well?
Mohl bych se tu oholit?
You need a shave, just look at you!
Radši se oholte.
You really should shave.
Měl by ses oholit.
And you better get a shave and a shine.
A radši se oholte a dejte se do pucu.
Looks to me as if he could do with a shave.
Zdá se mi, že by se mohl oholit.
Was that a close shave.
To bylo jen o fous.
I've no love for monks and shave-pates.
Nemilujem mnichy a oholené hlavy.
I can't shave without music.
Bez hudby se mi špatně holí.
Oh, all right, I'll shave without music, then.
Tedy dobře. Oholím se i bez hudby.
They had a scene where she watched her husband shave.
Nelíbí se vám to? To máte blbý!

News and current affairs

Attempts to shave costs by economizing on energy use reduce pollution.
Snahy šetřit náklady úspornějším využíváním energií omezují znečišťování životního prostředí.
The same is true of orthodox Jewish women who must shave their heads and wear wigs when they marry.
Totéž platí pro ortodoxní židovky, které se při vdavkách musí ostříhat dohola a nasadit si paruku.

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