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podvést Czech

Meaning podvést meaning

What does podvést mean in Czech?


deceive uvést v omyl (záměrně a ve svůj vlastní prospěch)

Translation podvést translation

How do I translate podvést from Czech into English?

Synonyms podvést synonyms

What other words in Czech have the same or similar meaning as podvést?

Conjugation podvést conjugation

How do you conjugate podvést in Czech?

podvést · verb

Examples podvést examples

How do I use podvést in a sentence?

Simple sentences

Chceš podvést?
Do you want to cheat me?
Zkoušíš podvést?
Are you trying to cheat me?
Pokusili jsme se Toma podvést.
We tried to fool Tom.

Movie subtitles

Myslíš, že s milencem dokážete podvést? Fantoma?
Do you think you and your lover could cheat the Phantom?
Takže, nemyslíš si snad, že bys mohl podvést, že ne?
So, you thought you could cheat me, did you?
Ten muž se snaží podvést.
Člověk nesmí nikoho podvést, pouze manžela.
One must never cheat anyone, but one may a husband.
Chceš podvést Browna.
You mean you want to double-cross Brown.
Pořá zkoušíš, jak podvést?
Still trying to double-cross me?
Potkáme se na křižovatce, a ne abyste se snažili podvést!
We'll meet at the crossroads, and no double-crossing!
Mohl jste podvést toto dítě, ale ne někoho jiného!
You fooled this young whippersnapper here, but you didn't fool nobody else!
Ducha nemůžeš podvést.
You can't cheat a ghost.
A taky by je smetli, kdybychom se nenechali podvést Washingtonem.
And they would've whipped them too if we didn't get deceived into it by a bunch of radicals in Washington.
Tak ty jsi chtěla podvést svou matku, ty uličnice!
So you wanted to trick your mother, you rascal!
Proč sis myslel, že by nás chtěla podvést?
Why'd you think she was out to trick us?
Provinil jsem se trestným činem padělání. s úmyslem podvést vládu Spojených států.
I am guilty of the criminal act of forgery. with intent to defraud the government of the United States.
Ale Stanley, ani netušíš, jak jsi směšný, když naznačuješ, že moje sestra nebo nebo někdo z naší rodiny mohl někoho podvést.
Oh, Stanley. you've no idea how ridiculous you're being. when you suggest that my sister. or I or anyone else of our family could have perpetrated a swindle on anyone.

News and current affairs

Podezřívavost ještě utvrzuje zakořeněný paternalismus politiků - chudí prý nevědí, co je pro dobré, a snadno se nechají podvést.
Suspicions are further reinforced by politicians' underlying paternalism - the poor do not know what is good for them and are easily fooled.
Dochází pak nejen k tomu, že nikdo nikomu nedůvěřuje, ale také, že se každý snaží každého oklamat a podvést, jak jen zmůže.
Not only does each mistrust the other, but each tries to deceive each other as much as they can.

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