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mrazit Czech

Translation mrazit translation

How do I translate mrazit from Czech into English?

mrazit Czech » English

refrigerate freeze chill

Synonyms mrazit synonyms

What other words in Czech have the same or similar meaning as mrazit?

Conjugation mrazit conjugation

How do you conjugate mrazit in Czech?

mrazit · verb

Examples mrazit examples

How do I use mrazit in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

Budeme mrazit zeleninu.
We'll freeze vegetables.
Začalo mrazit v zádech, jako u prvních příznaků drogového rauše.
It crept up my spine like first-rising vibes of an acid frenzy.
Ale mrazit mu pořád iglú stojí majlant.
But it's breaking the bank keeping his igloo frozen.
Čarodějka se kterou jsem se zapletl, její sestra moc mrazit.
The witch I was involved with, her sister has the power to freeze.
Doufám, že ještě můžeš mrazit.
I hope the freeze didn't wear off.
Prosím, nekažte to smíchem, protože vás bude mrazit bude konec.
Please, don't spoil it with laughter, because you'll get a chill at the end of this.
Piper, to ale není důvod proč mrazit lidi.
Piper, that is not a good enough reason to freeze people.
bude Holomráz mrazit, co budeš říkat?
When Black Frost freezes you, what are your last words gonna be?
Sammy, začíná mrazit, když přebereš takhle kontrolu.
Sammy,I get all tingly when you take control like that.
Začíná mrazit.
My blood just ran cold.
Nebudeš si mrazit hlavu.
You're not freezing your head.
Proč by sis musela nechávat mrazit vajíčka jen proto, - že jsi lesbička?
Why would you have to freeze your eggs just 'cause you're a lesbian?
Byly jste někdy na místě, kde se v minulosti něco stalo, a začalo vás mrazit jen z toho, že tam jste?
You ever been someplace where something historical happened and you get like a chill, just from being there?
Dokud by nedávali mrazit další klienty.
Until new clients needed to be frozen.

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