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hůl Czech

Meaning hůl meaning

What does hůl mean in Czech?


stick, staff, club obvykle rovná tyč, sloužící jako opora při chůzi, módní doplněk či zbraň  Hůl se zohýbala k nepoužití.

Translation hůl translation

How do I translate hůl from Czech into English?

Synonyms hůl synonyms

What other words in Czech have the same or similar meaning as hůl?

Inflection hůl inflection

How do you inflect hůl in Czech?

hůl · noun


Examples hůl examples

How do I use hůl in a sentence?

Simple sentences

Kdo chce psa bít, hůl si vždycky najde.
He who has a mind to beat a dog will easily find a stick.

Movie subtitles

Tu hůl znám.
I know whose cane this is.
turistickou hůl, kterou stisknutím péra je možno proměnit v turistickou chatu.
He owns a patent for a hiking cane that turns into a tourist cabin by pressing a button.
To by mohlo vysvětlit tu hůl a kulhání.
That would account for his cane and his limp.
Zahodil jste svoji hůl?
Threw away your club, eh?
Je to kamarád. Ten nás nevezme na hůl.
Grandpa's a friend.
Jak tak na něj koukám, za něho uvažuje jeho hůl.
By the look of him, his quarterstaff does his reasoning for him.
mám jen tuhle hůl, a ty na jdeš s lukem a šípy.
I've only a staff and you threaten me with a longbow and a goose shaft.
Počkat! Opatřím si hůl.
I'll get myself a staff.
Nebereš nás na hůl?
Sure you ain't gypping yourself?
Kdo chce psa bít, hůl si najde.
Give a dog a bad name.
Budou nás brát na hůl znovu a znovu, bude tohle prázdné jako ty jejich sliby.
They will cut us again and still again, until they have this as empty as their promises.
Když nemohu dostat ty náušnice, koupím si třeba hůl.
As long as I can't have the earrings, perhaps I'll buy a cane, huh?
Jakou hůl byste si přál?
Oh. Well, what kind of cane would you like?
Ta hůl cenu tři libry. - Tři libry?
Well, that stick is priced at three pounds.

News and current affairs

Když voliči zlomí hůl nad politiky jako nad nepoctivci, vzkvétají protidemokratická hnutí.
When voters write off politicians as dishonest, anti-democratic movements thrive.
jde o číšníka či hosta čekajícího na obsloužení, Rus je přesvědčen, že ho vezmou na hůl a sprostě s ním vyběhnou, a tak se obrňuje netečností.
Russia's people, whether they are waiters or waiting for service, are convinced that they will be ripped off and treated rudely, and so steel themselves with indifference.
Patriarcha potřeboval hůl, aby v Kremlu zahlušil jakýkoli impuls, jež by vedl k vydání takového pozvání. Rozhodnutí Vatikánu o reorganizaci ruských diecézí muselo pro něj být darem z nebes.
A stick with which to beat back any instinct in the Kremlin to issue such an invitation was needed by the Patriarch, and so the Vatican's decision to reorganize its dioceses in Russia must have seemed a godsend.
Nechá si narůst licousy, obléká si redingot a nosí vycházkovou hůl.
He grows sideburns, wears a long frock-coat, and carries a walking stick.