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eaton Czech

Examples eaton examples

How do I use eaton in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

Vítejte u první čety. jsem poručík Eaton.
Welcome to the first platoon. I'm Lituenant Eaton.
Graham Eaton.
Graham Eaton.
Debb Eaton.
Debb Eaton.
Debb Eaton, vězeňská dozorkyně z New Hampshiru a Jeff Varner, manažer internetových projektů ze Severní Karolíny.
Debb Eaton, a corrections officer from Berlin, New Hampshire; and Jeff Varner, an Internet projects manager from Greensboro, North Carolina.
Buď jsi to prodal dvakrát a používáš jméno Robert Eaton jako pseudonym.
Either you're selling this twice and using Robert Eaton as a pen name.
Takže, proč nezačnete tím, že nám řeknete, kdo je Robert Eaton a jakto, že prodává knihu, kterou údajně píšete?
So, why don't you begin by telling us who Robert Eaton is and why he's selling the book you're supposed to be writing?
Howard nemá tušení, kdo Eaton je.
Howard doesn't know who Eaton is.
Mohlo by jít o Lambert-Eaton, taky by to mohlo být Gravesovo.
This could be Lambert-Eaton, could be Graves'.
Pan Eaton, dlouholetý zaměstnanec společnosti, velice důvěryhodný.
Mr. Eaton, lifelong company servant, portrait of reliability.
Je v nějakym sportklubu Ston Eaton.
He's at some Ston Eaton sports place.
Eaton square 26, prosím.
Eaton Square 26, please.
Pan Eaton?
Mr. Eaton?

eaton English

Examples eaton in Czech examples

How do I translate eaton into Czech?

Movie subtitles

Good morning. I would like to see Mrs Eaton, please.
Je paní Eatonová doma?
Please forgive me, Mrs Eaton, for calling without an introduction.
Prosím promiňte, že se objevuji bez ohlášení.
Mrs Eaton, it's obvious that you distrust me.
Jak vidím, nevěříte mi po tom, co jste slyšela od přátel.
Mrs Eaton, my will is yours at this point.
Paní Eatonová. Vaše vůle patří .
Answer me, Mrs Eaton.
Prosím, odpovězte.
His grandfather was a royal duke and he himself was educated at Eaton and Oxford.
Jeho děd byl šlechtic. On sám studoval na Etonu a Oxfordu.
Welcome to the first platoon. I'm Lituenant Eaton.
Vítejte u první čety. jsem poručík Eaton.
Mr. Eaton, I don't find that appropriate.
Pane Eatone, vaše připomínky jsou nevhodné.
Graham Eaton.
Graham Eaton.
Debb Eaton.
Debb Eaton.
Ready? BOB EATON: When Debb got into it, you know, it was fine.
Stál jsem stoprocentně za .
Debb Eaton, a corrections officer from Berlin, New Hampshire; and Jeff Varner, an Internet projects manager from Greensboro, North Carolina.
Debb Eaton, vězeňská dozorkyně z New Hampshiru a Jeff Varner, manažer internetových projektů ze Severní Karolíny.
That's called Lambert-Eaton syndrome.
Nazývá se to Lambert-Eatnův syndrom.

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