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dickens Czech

Examples dickens examples

How do I use dickens in a sentence?

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Dickens, Zola, Michelet.
Dickens, Zola, Michelet.
Dickens nepoložil Olivera Twista na gauč, protože byl hladový!
Dickens didn't put Oliver Twist on the couch because he was hungry. - Oh, come on, Cathy.
Ach, Charles Dickens.
Oh, Charles Dickens.
Napsal to Dickens.
It was written by Dickens.
Souhlasím s názory znalců, jako jsou Dickens, nebo Thackeray.
I do not take the opinion of experts like Dickens or Thackeray.
Emile Dickens. - Děkuju.
Emily Dickens.
Emile Dickens, prosím?
Emily Dickens, please?
Charles Dickens je anglický spisovatel.
Charles Dickens is an English writer.
V Americe se žádný básník Dickens nejmenuje.
There is no American poet by the name of Dickens.
Emile Dickens.
Emily Dickens.
Do apačtiny, Heleno. Ani Shakespeare, ani Dickens nebyli přeloženi do apačtiny.
Not even Shakespeare or Dickens. has been translated into Apache.
Geoffrey Dickens!
Geoffrey Dickens!
Co když se jim Dickens nebude líbit?
Do they know they'd like Dickens?
Charles Dickens by určitě rád viděI její bradavky.
Well, Charles Dickens would have wanted to see her nipples then.

dickens English

Examples dickens in Czech examples

How do I translate dickens into Czech?

Movie subtitles

Oh, what the dickens.
Ale co.
What the dickens is that to you?
Proč to tebe zajímá?
How the dickens do you think they got here?
Jak by se sem asi měly dostat?
I can spell like the dickens.
V tom jsem mistr.
Dickens, Zola, Michelet.
Dickens, Zola, Michelet.
That nasty Colonel Hoffman giving him the dickens in his room or his prince of a beautiful father taking him to the ball?
Plukovníkovi Hoffmanovi, který ho trápí v jeho pokoji, nebo laskavému otci, který ho vezme na ples?
Sebrané dílo Dickense!
No, sirree. she won't give up her freedom. She's too full of the dickens.
Ale kdepak, ta se svobody nevzdá.
Dickens didn't put Oliver Twist on the couch because he was hungry. - Oh, come on, Cathy.
Dickens nepoložil Olivera Twista na gauč, protože byl hladový!
We could have transferred George Dickens if he hadn't got himself eaten that way.
Mohli jsme přemístit George Dickense kdyby tolik nejedl.
You sentimental little dickens.
Ty sentimentální ďáblíku.
Well, I pretty near scared the dickens out of you.
Zdá se, že ses bál zbytečně.
Well, gives me a chance to catch up on my Dickens.
Aspoň mám šanci si dočíst Dickense.
Oh, Charles Dickens.
Ach, Charles Dickens.

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