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cone English

Translation cone in Czech

How do you say cone in Czech?

Examples cone in Czech examples

How do I translate cone into Czech?

Movie subtitles

In its nose-cone is located the egg-shaped register-chamber with the automated imaging-instruments.
V hlavici. je nahrávací prostor ve tvaru vejce, kde je umístěna automatická kamera.
Cookie's been working on the ether cone, sir.
Cookie vyrábí masku.
Thee's a vacant house on the cone.
Na rohu je prázdný dům.
Keep your nickel and buy yourself an ice-cream cone.
Nechte si ten pěťák a kupte si zmrzlinu.
I'll even buy you an ice-cream cone. - Two scoops?
Dokonce ti koupím zmrzlinu.
I used to toss a scoop of ice cream in the air adjust for wind drift, velocity, altitude, and, wham, in the cone every time.
Vyhodil jsem naběračku zmrzliny do vzduchu, přizpůsobil rychlost, výšku, a - prásk! - pokaždé do kornoutu.
A cone-shaped structure?
Kuželovitého tvaru.
And the big cone on the right?
Atu velkou šišku vpravo?
Cone on, Andy, run!
No tak, Andy, běž!
Alan and I found a gallium compound on the nose cone of Thunderbird 1.
Našli jsme s Alanem na čelním kuželu Bleskoletu 1 sloučeninu galia.
That night at the dinner table when you sat on that ridiculous pine cone.
Ten večer u večeře, když sis sedla na borovou šišku.
When I get there, pick up a cone and throw it.
tam dojdu, hoď šiškou.
It has a homing device in its nose cone.
V hlavici naváděcí zařízení.

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