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Examples chocolate-tip examples

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Dostal jsem tip od informátora na stopu, na kterou jsem čekal.
I got a wire from an informant with a lead I've been waiting for.
Jaký je tvůj tip, co.
Let me give you a tip.
Heleďte, dostali jsme tip.
Now listen, we've got a tip.
Dostal jste skvělý tip na tyhle kluky, pane Vojda.
You got a great bet in these boys, Mr. Voyda.
Chcete tip na 5. dostih?
You want something hot in the fifth race?
Mám tip na Sun-Upa.
I got a tip on Sun-Up.
Mám tutovej tip za dolar.
I got something today can't lose. One dollar.
Dám ti skvěIý tip.
I'm gonna give you a hot tip.
Dal jste tip federálům, a oni mi vzali zboží.
You tipped off the feds I was running in a load last night, and they took it from me.
To byl dobrý tip o objetí Mormon Station.
That was a good tip about circling Mormon Station.
Ale mohl byste dát prvotřídní tip.
But you could make an excellent guess.
Díky za tip.
Glad to be of help.
Nebo jim dal tip někdo z jeho blízkosti.
Or an outfit tipped off by somebody close to him.
Dostali jsme tip po telefonu.
We were tipped off on the telephone.

chocolate-tip English

Translation chocolate-tip in Czech

How do you say chocolate-tip in Czech?

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