chloroform Czech
Translation chloroform translation
How do I translate chloroform from Czech into English?
Synonyms chloroform synonyms
What other words in Czech have the same or similar meaning as chloroform?
Examples chloroform examples
How do I use chloroform in a sentence?
Movie subtitles
Došel chloroform.
We're all out of chloroform.
Není chloroform, nejsou obvazy, utišující léky.
No chloroform. No bandages. Nothing!
Tohle je poslední chloroform.
This is the last of the chloroform.
Jak se řekne chloroform? -Chloroform.
Chloroform in Greek?
Jak se řekne chloroform? -Chloroform.
Chloroform in Greek?
Ta slova působí jako chloroform.
That works like chloroform.
Máte chloroform?
You got any chloroform?
Chloroform a předávkování prášky na spaní.
Chloroform and an overdose of sleeping pills.
Potřebujeme chloroform.
Let's have some chloroform.
Nemáme chloroform.
There's no chloroform.
Použijte chloroform.
Use the chloroform.
Chudák Frank, asi nesnáší chloroform.
Poor Frank. Just can't hold his chloroform.
chloroform English
Translation chloroform in Czech
How do you say chloroform in Czech?