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algebra Czech

Meaning algebra meaning

What does algebra mean in Czech?


algebra obor matematiky zabývající se řešením rovnic a souvisejících teoriích

Translation algebra translation

How do I translate algebra from Czech into English?

algebra Czech » English

algebra mathematics geometry arithmetic

Synonyms algebra synonyms

What other words in Czech have the same or similar meaning as algebra?

Inflection algebra inflection

How do you inflect algebra in Czech?

algebra · noun


Examples algebra examples

How do I use algebra in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

Ano, a co algebra?
Yes, but how about algebra?
Není algebra hrozná, tati?
Isn't algebra vile, Father?
Přibyla algebra.
They started on algebra.
A pak algebra.
Then it was algebra.
Ano. Co je postup nazvaný algebra.
What is the technique called the algebra of.
zrovna algebra nesmírně.. fascinovala.
Algebra fascinated me. tremendously.
Biologie, chemie, algebra, angličtina, francouzsština, fyzika, dějepis atd.
Biology, chemistry, algebra, English, French, physics, history, et cetera.
V reálným životě není žádná algebra.
In real life, there is no algebra.
To je ta chvíle, o které nám povídali na střední kdy jednoho dne, algebra zachrání naše životy.
That moment they told us about in high school where one day, algebra would save our lives.
Člověče, myslel jsem že víš že celá ta algebra je na nic.
I thought you knew that algebra was all razzmatazz.
Aha, algebra je zbytečná?
Oh, algebra is useless?
Algebra nutí vaši mysl k logickému řešení problémů.
Algebra forces your mind to solve problems logically.
Algebra by ti šla Claire, oba to víme.
You could ace algebra, Claire, and we both know it.

algebra English

Translation algebra in Czech

How do you say algebra in Czech?

algebra English » Czech

algebra matematika geometrie aritmetika

Examples algebra in Czech examples

How do I translate algebra into Czech?

Movie subtitles

These hungry children are learning algebra.
Tyto hladové děti se učí matematiku.
Hey, Ma, I got an A in algebra!
Mami, dostala jsem jedničku z algebry!
In fact. I might even help you with your algebra.
Možná ti pomůžu i s algebrou.
When you get on as a professor, and I'm running my cabs in St. Louis send me up a problem in algebra, will you?
nastoupíš jako profesor a budu mít taxíky v St. Louis, pošli mi úlohu z algebry, ano?
A redheaded algebra teacher.
Zrzavý učitel algebry.
From a redheaded algebra teacher to a Dutch alcoholic.
Od zrzavého učitele algebry po holandského alkoholika.
Yes, but how about algebra?
Ano, a co algebra?
Up until now, I managed to stay ahead of you in algebra.
Ještě nedávno jsem byl v algebře lepší než ty.
Isn't algebra vile, Father?
Není algebra hrozná, tati?
I had to take algebra twice.
Algebru jsem musela opakovat.
In Arabia, algebra. I was their prisoner.
Arabové naučili algebru, byl jsem u nich zajatcem.
They started on algebra.
Přibyla algebra.
Then it was algebra.
A pak algebra.
What is the technique called the algebra of.
Ano. Co je postup nazvaný algebra.

News and current affairs

In studying physics, students study algebra simultaneously, motivating them with a sense of the power of mathematics.
Při studiu fyziky se studenti současně učí algebru a motivuje je vědomí síly matematiky.

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